The fourth annual workshop on Concepts, Actions, and Objects: Functional and Neural Perspectives will take place in Rovereto, Italy, May 20th - 23rd 2010.

In addition, there will be an affiliated special session on computational approaches to the topic, held on the afternoon of May 20th.

The CAOs workshop is sponsored by the Center for Mind/Brain Sciences. The goal of this Rovereto workshop is to provide a unique forum for researchers from a range of perspectives who are interested in Concepts, Actions, and Objects to come together to discuss their research and develop new directions and collaborations. The workshop differs from larger conferences in so far as there are a small number of speakers (all invited) and there are no concurrent talks. In addition to the individual talks, there will be a poster session for students, post-docs and young researchers to present their work.

Invited Speakers

Speakers Computational Session:

  • Tom Mitchell, Carnegie Mellon University USA
  • Tim Rogers, University of Wisconsin-Madison USA
  • Lorraine Tyler, University of Cambridge UK
  • Gert Westermann, Oxford Brookes University, UK

Speakers Main Session:

  • John Assad Italian Institute of Technology, Italy, and Harvard University, USA
  • Kalanit Grill-Spector Stanford University, USA
  • James Haxby Dartmouth College, USA
  • Nancy Kanwisher Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
  • Stephen Macknik Barrow Neurological Institute, USA
  • Maximilian Riesenhuber Georgetown University Medical Center, USA
  • Bruno Rossion Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
  • Michael Tarr Carnegie Mellon University, USA
  • Simon Thorpe French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), France
  • Patrik Vuilleumier University of Geneva, Switzerland

Comitato scientifico e organizzativo

  • Alfonso Caramazza, Università degli Studi di Trento (Italia) e Università di Harvard (USA)
  • Melvyn Goodale, University of Western Ontario (USA)
  • Bradford Mahon, University of Rochester (USA)
  • Alex Martin, Laboratory of Brain and Cognition, NIMH (USA)
  • Brian Murphy, Università degli Studi di Trento (Italia)
  • Marius Peleen, Università degli Studi di Trento (Italia)


  • Alessia La Micela, Università degli Studi di Trento – CIMeC (Centro Interdipartimentale Mente/Cervello)


GIOVEDI’, 20 MAGGIO 2010: sessione speciale di neuroscienza computazionale

14:00–15:00 Tom Mitchell: Using Brain Imaging to Study Neural Representations of Word Meanings

15:00–16:00 Lorraine Tyler: Neural representation of concepts is modulated by conceptual structure

16:00–16:30 pausa caffè

16:30–17:30  Gert Westermann: The development of categorization in infancy - insights from connectionist modeling

17:30–18:30  Tim Rogers: A domain-general approach to category specificity



9:00–10:15  Simon Thorpe: Two routes to action: Brain mechanisms underlying ultra-rapid scene processing

10:15–11:15  Pausa caffè e sessione poster A

11:15–12:30 Maximilian Riesenhuber: Simple accounts of face discrimination differences in autism and of object recognition in clutter: It's all about specificity

12:30–14:00  Pausa pranzo

14:00–15:15 Stephen Macknik: The role of feedback in visual attention and awareness

15:15–16:00  Presentazione dei migliori poster presentati

  • Jonathan Cant: Scratching beneath the surface: new insights into the functional properties of the lateral occipital area and parahippocampal place area
  • Andrew Connolly: Similarity-based pattern analysis reveals an emergent taxonomy of animal species along the object vision pathway
  • Kevin Weiner: Sparsely-distributed organization of face and limb activations in human ventral temporal cortex


16:00–16:30  pausa caffè

16:30–17:45 Patrik Vuilleumier: Emotion processing: conscious and unconscious control


9:00–10:15  Kalanit Grill-Spector: The role of experience in shaping functional selectivity in the ventral stream: insights from development and fMRI-adaptation

10:15–11:15  pausa caffè e sessione poster B

11:15–12:30  Michael Tarr: Decoding visual object representation using fMRI

12:30–14:00 pausa pranzo

14:00–15:15  Nancy Kanwisher: Searching for new functionally specific regions in the human brain in vision and beyond

15:15–16:00 Presentazione dei migliori poster presentati

  • Stefania Bracci: fMRI evidence for a hand-selective region in human left extrastriate visual cortex
  • Sara Fabbri: Directional tuning in the human motor system revealed by fMRI adaptation
  • Nikolaas N. Oosterhof: Multivoxel pattern analysis reveals mirror-like responses in human parietal and occipitotemporal cortex for transitive and intransitive actions

16:00–16:30 pausa caffè

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