3rd Edition

The third annual Rovereto attention workshop will take place in Rovereto, Italy on October 29th-31st , 2009. The workshop is hosted by the Center for Mind/Brain Sciences, at the University of Trento.
The topic of this year will be Attention and Awareness.

For more than a century, science has been trying to understand the properties of selective attention and its underlying mechanisms. Yet attention is a complex and multi-faceted phenomenon that has resisted simple definitions or explanations. The goal of this workshop is to provide a forum for researchers from a range of perspectives who are interested in attention to come together to discuss their research and develop new directions and collaborations.

The first Rovereto workshop focused on attentional processing and control, with an emphasis on working memory and the top-down control of behavior. Given the importance of attention in guiding action, the second workshop examined attention and motor control.

The third annual workshop, on 29-31 October 2009, focuses more on the role of attention in perception by examining the link between attention and awareness.

The workshop is sponsored by the Center for Mind/Brain Sciences of the University of Trento. The workshop differs from larger conferences in that there is a small number of speakers (all invited) and there are no concurrent talks. In addition to the individual talks, there is a poster session for researchers to present their work.

With the Support of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto

The workshop will be held at Palazzo Piomarta (Istruzione), corso Bettini, 84 - Rovereto (TN) 

Invited speakers

  • David Alais (The University of Sydney)
  • Marisa Carrasco (New York University)
  • Patrick Cavanagh (Université Paris Descartes)
  • Alan Cowey (University of Oxford)
  • René Marois (Vanderbilt University)
  • Geraint Rees (University College London)
  • John Reynolds (Salk Institute)
  • Pieter Roelfsema (Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience)
  • Naotsugu Tsuchiya (Caltech Division of Humanities and Social Sciences)


  • Marisa Carrasco
  • Leo Chelazzi
  • Maurizio Corbetta
  • John Duncan
  • David Melcher
  • Kia Nobre
  • Jens Schwarzbach
  • Massimo Turatto