Mission | Resources | Services offered | People | Contacts | Links | How to propose your project 


The Magnetic Resonance (MR) lab allows users to acquire advanced human MRI data (e.g. fMRI, DTI, VBM, Spectroscopy) with cutting-edge MRI technologies. The mission of the lab is to provide a safe and effective environment to its users, in order to allow them to focus exclusively on the scientific content of their experiment.


MR system

Siemens Prisma 3T: actively shielded, whole body 3 Tesla magnet, 80mT/m gradients with a slew rate of 200 T/m/s. The MR system is equipped with a 20 channels RF coil and a 64 channels RF coil for experimental neuroimaging applications. 

The purchase of the RM System was supported by the Caritro Foundation.

Peripheral equipment

  • 32” LCD for visual stimuli (NNL);
  • optic fiber digital microphone with noise cancellation for vocal registration during imaging;
  • on-board Audio system (Siemens pneumatic headphones and earplugs);
  • 2 x 4 button response pads;
  • MR compatible glass frames (adult and pediatric, max -4 and +4);
  • tactile piezoelectric stimulator;
  • Eye Tracker (Eyelink1000);
  • MR-compatible EEG (Brainamp, 64 channels);
  • galvanic skin responses (Brainamp GSR);
  • physiological data monitoring and recording (ECG, pOx, respiration pulses);
  • other equipment can be made available upon request, after feasibility study.

Services offered

  • support in the definition of safety and technical aspects of research protocols involving the acquisition of human MRI data (achieved through a project proposal meeting to be held before the submission of the project to the ethical committee);
  • optimization of pulse sequences and acquisition protocols;
  • feasibility studies on new experimental setups;
  • periodic safety training of all researchers that need to enter the lab;
  • slot assignment;
  • participant preparation (safety screening, paperwork, positioning and handling);
  • provision of health staff to carry on the image acquisition tasks (physician and radiographer);
  • monitoring of the environment during the experimental activity;
  • maintenance and update of the scanner and the peripheral equipment;
  • scanner room preparation and peripheral equipment setup;
  • monitoring of stimulation setup;
  • acquisition of structural and functional sequences on the console;
  • management of MR images, metadata and data;
  • data Anonymization and data transfer;
  • archiving activity (paperworks and digital).



The MRI Lab is situated in via delle Regole 101, 38123 Mattarello (Tn). For any inquiry send an email to the cimec.mri.lab@unitn.it


See the following Wiki link

How to propose your project 

Send an email to the dedicated address asking for a project proposal meeting (PPM).