Overview | Research directions | Members | Publications | Grants | Ongoing Collaborations
Our research focuses on the neurofunctional correlates of language. We are interested in articulating increasingly detailed functional models of linguistic skills (auditory speech processing; writing; sentence comprehension/production), and in correlating such skills to increasingly specified neural substrates. Research involves participants with intact cognitive skills, as well as brain-damaged persons, including individuals undergoing awake surgery for gliomas.
Research directions
- sentence processing: a) Processing of negation in healthy volunteers and in brain-damaged patients (fMR studies in healthy volunteers, behavioral studies in persons with aphasia); b) Processing of reversible sentences (TMS studies in healthy participants; lesion studies in brain-damaged patients);
- the functional neuroanatomy of cortical auditory processing disorders (Investigations on the neural and functional mechanisms underlying early processing of speech, sounds and music, as they emerge from studies of individuals with circumscribed brain damage);
- the functional neuroanatomy of writing (Investigations on the neural and functional correlates of writing and spelling in individuals with stroke-related dysgraphia and in subjects undergoing cortical mapping during awake surgery procedures).
- Gabriele Miceli, Principal Investigator
- Sabrina Beber, PhD Student
- Lorenzo Vercesi, PhD Student
For a complete list see Gabriele Miceli personal page
- 2019-2023: Morphosyntactic Production in Stroke-induced Agrammatic Aphasia: A Cross-linguistic Machine Learning Approach.PI: ValantisFyndanis,University of Oslo.
- 2019-2021: Studio dei correlati neuroanatomici della comprensione del linguaggio in persone con afasia. PI: G. Miceli
- 2019-2020: Profili di danno linguistico nelle demenze degenerative. Produzione e comprensione di frasi reversibili dichiarative attive e passive e comparative e della morfosintassi nominale e verbale in diverse forme cliniche di demenza. PI: G. Miceli
Ongoing Collaborations
- Marco Catani (NatBrainLab, King’s College, London, UK)
- Paolo Bartolomeo, Laurent Cohen (ICM, HopitalSalpetrière, Paris, FR)
- Brenda Rapp (Cognitive Science Dept, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA)
- RoelienBastiaanse (RjiksUniversiteit, Groningen, The Netherlands)
- Lyndsey Nickels (Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia)