CIMeC organizes Open Science Seminars, during which members of the national and international scientific community are called to discuss topics and progress related to open science:
Open Science Events 2023
14th November, 2023
Title: Think Open Awards
Winner: G. Chelini and E. M. Trombetta - Automated segmentation of the mouse body language to study stimulus-evoked emotional behaviors
Winner: G. Chelini and E. M. Trombetta - Automated segmentation of the mouse body language to study stimulus-evoked emotional behaviors
14th November, 2023
Title: Successful stories of data Reuse
Speakers: Gabriele Amorosino - NILab, Fondazione Bruno Kessler; Enrica Pierotti, Heather Strelevitz, Gabriele Chelini - Center for Mind/Brain Sciences.
Speakers: Gabriele Amorosino - NILab, Fondazione Bruno Kessler; Enrica Pierotti, Heather Strelevitz, Gabriele Chelini - Center for Mind/Brain Sciences.
3rd October, 2023
Title: Multi-center Studies
Speakers: Giulia Calignano - Department of Developmental and Social Psychology, DPSS, The University of Padova; Alessandra Dodich - Center for Mind/Brain Sciences.
Speakers: Giulia Calignano - Department of Developmental and Social Psychology, DPSS, The University of Padova; Alessandra Dodich - Center for Mind/Brain Sciences.
15th March, 2023
Title: Open tools, code and data standards for animal brain research
Winner: Luigi Petrucco - Center for Neuroscience and Cognitive Systems, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia; Jean-Charles Rene' Pasquin Mariani - Center for Neuroscience and Cognitive Systems, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia; Elena Dreosti - Cell & Developmental Biology - Div of Biosciences University College London (UK); Ryan Ly - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA);
Winner: Luigi Petrucco - Center for Neuroscience and Cognitive Systems, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia; Jean-Charles Rene' Pasquin Mariani - Center for Neuroscience and Cognitive Systems, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia; Elena Dreosti - Cell & Developmental Biology - Div of Biosciences University College London (UK); Ryan Ly - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA);
Open Science Events 2022
11th March 2022
Title: Version Control for Scientific Research Using Git/Github
Speakers: Stefano Moia - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland; Adina Wagner - Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine, Research Center Juelich, Germany
Abstract: Scientific Research working routines include, among other things, coordinating collaborative efforts among different people in time.
In this symposium two speakers from the international community will discuss several approaches to tackle this problem, illustrating the advantages of adopting a version control system to manage running updates of research objects (e.g.: manuscripts, code, data, etc) in an easy, systematic and effective way..
In this symposium two speakers from the international community will discuss several approaches to tackle this problem, illustrating the advantages of adopting a version control system to manage running updates of research objects (e.g.: manuscripts, code, data, etc) in an easy, systematic and effective way..
30th September, 2022
Title: Think Open Awards
Winner: Velu Kumaravel - Newborns EEG Artifact Removal (NEAR) - An Open Source Toolbox based on EEGLAB
Winner: Velu Kumaravel - Newborns EEG Artifact Removal (NEAR) - An Open Source Toolbox based on EEGLAB
7th July, 2022
Title: Open Cognitive Neuroscience new technologies, old questions
Speakers: Manuela Ruzzoli - Basque Center on Cognition, Brain & Language (Spain);Guiomar Niso - Indiana University (USA); Rotem Botvinik-Nezer - Dartmouth College (USA)
Speakers: Manuela Ruzzoli - Basque Center on Cognition, Brain & Language (Spain);Guiomar Niso - Indiana University (USA); Rotem Botvinik-Nezer - Dartmouth College (USA)
23rd June, 2022
Title: Beyond camera-ready: new ways to communicate science
Speakers: Bastien Lemaire - Università di Trento; Alexandra Freeman - Cambridge University (UK); Stuart Ritchie - King's College London (UK)
Speakers: Bastien Lemaire - Università di Trento; Alexandra Freeman - Cambridge University (UK); Stuart Ritchie - King's College London (UK)
23rd June, 2022
Title: Data Sharing: 2032
Speakers: Giorgia Bincoletto - Università di Trento; Dorien Huijser - Utrecht University Library (The Netherlands); Enrico Glerean - Aalto University (Finland)
Speakers: Giorgia Bincoletto - Università di Trento; Dorien Huijser - Utrecht University Library (The Netherlands); Enrico Glerean - Aalto University (Finland)
Open Science Events 2021
18th November, 2021
Title: Power analysis for Neuroimaging
Speakers: Frauke Beyer - Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, DE; Cameron Ellis - Haskins Laboratories, New Haven, USA.
The event will be in English.
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9th July, 2021
Title: Think Open Awards
Winners: Gabriele Amorosino - BIDS extension for Longitudinal MRI data: Application to a case study of pre-/post-surgical data
Giulia Bertò - Open tools for white matter bundle segmentation from diffusion MRI
17th June, 2021
Title: Think Open Rovereto Symposium 2021
Speakers: Valentina Borghesani, Centre de recherche de l'Institut universitaire de gériatrie; Department of Psychology, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Canada; Corinna Porteri, IRCCS S. Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli, Brescia, Italia; Giulia Bertò, Indiana University, IN, USA e Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), Trento, Italia; Giada Lettieri, Social and Affective Neuroscience group, IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, Italia; Alessandra Dodich, CIMeC Centro Interdipartimentale Mente/Cervello, Università di Trento, Italia.
Abstract: Speakers from the local and international community virtually gather at CIMeC to discuss how open science represents a set of approaches and practices to improve knowledge in the clinical field, addressing both methodological and more general issues, including a focus on patients' rights.
The event will be entirely in Italian.
Abstract: Speakers from the local and international community virtually gather at CIMeC to discuss how open science represents a set of approaches and practices to improve knowledge in the clinical field, addressing both methodological and more general issues, including a focus on patients' rights.
The event will be entirely in Italian.
18th February, 2021
Title: Open Science, a new perspective for research evaluation
Speaker: Dr. Elena Giglia, Univerity of Turin
Abstract: Open Science means not only conducting research differently, but also a new way of evaluating it. New criteria are needed, this has been known for some time, but it is also necessary to take into account the entire research process and not only the final product in the form of an article. From this point of view, the data are of particular interest in light of the birth of the European Open Science Cloud - an opportunity that Italian research cannot miss - and of the upcoming publication of the National Plan for Open Science in Italy.
Abstract: Open Science means not only conducting research differently, but also a new way of evaluating it. New criteria are needed, this has been known for some time, but it is also necessary to take into account the entire research process and not only the final product in the form of an article. From this point of view, the data are of particular interest in light of the birth of the European Open Science Cloud - an opportunity that Italian research cannot miss - and of the upcoming publication of the National Plan for Open Science in Italy.
Open Science Events 2020
10-11st July, 2020
Title: Think Open Rovereto Workshop 2020
Speaker: Several invited speakers from the intenational open science community
Abstract: The goal of Think Open Rovereto workshop is to bring together people from different disciplines and backgrounds to discuss the latest insights related to open science, with a special emphasis on cognitive neuroscience. 2020 main topics were: replication and reproducibility; open access; standard ways to arrange, analyze and share neuroimaging data conference website. Slides | Video
Speaker: Several invited speakers from the intenational open science community
Abstract: The goal of Think Open Rovereto workshop is to bring together people from different disciplines and backgrounds to discuss the latest insights related to open science, with a special emphasis on cognitive neuroscience. 2020 main topics were: replication and reproducibility; open access; standard ways to arrange, analyze and share neuroimaging data conference website. Slides | Video
23rd January, 2020
Title: Open Access for Open Science - Online resources and good practices
Speaker: Vittorio Iacovella PhD, Think Open@CIMeC Data Technician - CIMeC, Trento, Italy
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Speaker: Vittorio Iacovella PhD, Think Open@CIMeC Data Technician - CIMeC, Trento, Italy
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Open Science Events 2019
December 12th, 2019
Title: Replicability crisis and open science: emerging issues and practices in yesterday's, today's and tomorrow's research
Speaker: Massimo Grassi PhD, Associate professor - University of Padua, Padua, Italy
Speaker: Massimo Grassi PhD, Associate professor - University of Padua, Padua, Italy
November 28th, 2019
Title: Increasing the impact of your research by using rich, integrated and open-access communications
Speaker: Vittorio Iacovella PhD, Think Open at CIMeC Data Technician
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Speaker: Vittorio Iacovella PhD, Think Open at CIMeC Data Technician
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May 30th, 2019
Title: Open Access for Open Science - an overview of online resources and good practices
Speaker: Vittorio Iacovella PhD, Think Open at CIMeC Data Technician
Speaker: Vittorio Iacovella PhD, Think Open at CIMeC Data Technician
May 23th, 2019
Title: Structured data for multimodal imaging in an open research environment: the fNIRS case
Speaker: Matteo Caffini PhD, Researcher, ACN Lab - CIMeC, Trento, Italy
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Speaker: Matteo Caffini PhD, Researcher, ACN Lab - CIMeC, Trento, Italy
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February 28th, 2019
Title: A researcher's guide to pre-registrations and registered reports
Speaker: Folco Panizza, PhD student, CIMeC, Trento, Italy
Speaker: Folco Panizza, PhD student, CIMeC, Trento, Italy
Open Science Events 2018
November 8th, 2018
Title: The FAIR principles - Rethinking data management in a open-science environment
Speaker: Vittorio Iacovella, PhD, CIMeC, Trento, Italy
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Speaker: Vittorio Iacovella, PhD, CIMeC, Trento, Italy
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July 19th, 2018
Title: Implementing an open-everything policy in the lab
Speaker: Prof. Davide Crepaldi, SISSA International School for Advanced Studies - Trieste, Italy
Speaker: Prof. Davide Crepaldi, SISSA International School for Advanced Studies - Trieste, Italy
March 27th, 2018
Title: Seminar on Open Access Publishing
Speaker: Roberto Caso & Paolo Guarda, Faculty of Law, University of Trento
Speaker: Roberto Caso & Paolo Guarda, Faculty of Law, University of Trento