Visiting scientist: Benotti Luciana
Country: Argentina - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Research activity: Language & Computation
Indicative period of stay: September 8 - October 11, 2019
Visiting scientist: Young Larry J.
Country: Atalanta - Emory University of Medicine
Research activity: Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Indicative period of stay: September 29 - October 4, 2019
Visiting scientist: Matsushima Toshiya
Country: Japan - Hokkaido University
Research activity: Neuroethology of filial imprining
Indicative period of stay: May 25 - August 15, 2019
Visiting scientist: Erk Katrin
Country: USA - University of Texas at Austin
Research activity: Reasoning over meaning in context
Indicative period of stay: June 24 - July 7, 2019
Visiting scientist: Prof. Monika Harvey
Country: Glasgow University, Regno Unito
Research activity: Investigating aging and stroke recovery with non-invasive brain stimulation
Indicative period of stay: December 12 - 14 , 2018
Visiting scientist: Ann Copestake
Country: Cambridge University, Regno Unito
Research activity: Computational models of lexical and compositional semantics
Indicative period of stay: December 3 - 9, 2018
Visiting scientist: Daniel C. Hyde
Country: University of Illinois, USA
Research activity: Learning numbers in Italy, in USA, and in the Amazon
Indicative period of stay: November 15 - 29, 2018
Visiting scientist: Barbara Plank
Country: Copenhagen University, Denmark
Research activity: Transfer learning
Indicative period of stay: October 07 - October 21, 2018
Visiting scientist: Matthias Manfred Müller
Country: Leipzig University, Germany
Research activity: Visual Attention, EEG
Indicative period of stay: October 07 - 14, 2018
Visiting scientist: Christian Lee Barker
Country: New York University, USA
Research activity: Scope-taking, quantification and the syntax-semantics interface
Indicative period of stay: September 26 - October 12, 2018
Visiting scientist: Evelyn Eger
Country: INSERM, Paris, France
Research activity: The representation of magnitude in the human brain
Indicative period of stay: September 17 - 22, 2018
Visiting scientist: Mikolaj Hernik
Country: Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
Research activity: Communicative competence of human infants
Indicative period of stay: July 01 - 28, 2018
Visiting scientist: Ilana Ritov
Country: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Research activity: Effects of competition and social status
Indicative period of stay: June 25 - July 06, 2018
Visiting professor: Anna Wilkinson
Country: Lincoln University, United Kingdom
Research activity: Cognition in cold-bloodeed animals
Indicative period of stay: June18 - July 19, 2018
Visiting professor: Ilaria Berteletti
Country: University of Gallaudet, Washington, USA
Research activity: Numeracy and educational neuroscience
Indicative period of stay: June 05 - July 18, 2018
Visiting professor: Justin Harris
Country: The University of Sidney, Australia
Research activity: Neural and behavioural mechanisms underlying learning, memory and perception
Indicative period of stay: February 13 - July 17, 2018
Visiting professor: Irina Harris
Country: The University of Sidney, Australia
Research activity: High-level vision and selective attention, as well as their neural substrates
Indicative period of stay: February 13 - July 17, 2018
Visiting professor: Valeria Della Maggiore
Country: School of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Research activity: Neural dynamics of visuomotor adaptation
Indicative period of stay: June 01 - July 31, 2017
Visiting professor: Jacqueline Gottlieb
Country: Columbia University, NY, USA
Research activity: Economics in selection and prioritization
Indicative period of stay: May 01 - July 31, 2017
Visiting professor: Michael Waldmann
Country: University of Goettingen, Germany
Research activity: Probabilistic reasoning and causal model representations
Indicative period of stay: September 10 - October 10, 2016
Visiting professor: Erik Blaser
Country: College of Liberal Arts, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA
Research activity: Visual perception, attention and visual memory
Indicative period of stay: July 18 - August 19, 2016
Visiting professor: Zsuzsa Kaldy
Country: College of Liberal Arts, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA
Research activity: The development of human visual memory
Indicative period of stay: July 18 - August 19, 2016
Visiting professor: Hernik Mikolaj
Country: Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
Research activity: Conduction of a behavioural experiment on animals spontaneous preferences for moving agents
Indicative period of stay: July 01 - August 07, 2016
Visiting professor: Hans Joachim Bischof
Country: University of Bielefeld, Germany
Research activity: Functional neuroanatomical investigations of brain areas that are involved in processing predisposed social stimuli on the basis of electrophysiology and brain lesioning techniques
Indicative period of stay: May 01 - May 31, 2016
Visiting professor: Alice Catherine Roy
Country: Centre national de la recherche scientifique, France
Research activity: Common syntactic structures for actions and language in deaf children
Indicative period of stay: March 01 - July 31, 2016