The complete list of publications of the members of the Center can be obtained from the archive Research Outputs of the University of Trento.​

Recent pubblications (updated up to December 19, 2024)

Assecondi, S., Pagano, S., & Mazza, V. (2025).
Electroencephalographic Asymmetries in Human Cognition. In L. J. Rogers & G. Vallortigara (Eds.), Lateralized Brain Functions (Vol. 217, pp. 509–554). Springer US.

Dissegna, A., Turatto, M. & Chiandetti, C. (2024)
Goal-directed behavior in Tenebrio molitor larvaeSci Rep 14, 21706 (2024).

Pomiechowska, B., Takács, S., Volein, Á., & Parise, E. (2024).
The nature of label-induced categories: preverbal infants represent surface features and category symbols. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 291(2035), 20241433.

Giaquinto, F., Assecondi, S., Leccese, G., Romano, D., & Angelelli, P. (2024).
Normative Study of SATURN: A Digital, Self-administered, Open-Source Cognitive Assessment Tool for Italians Aged 50-80. Frontiers in Psychology, 15.

Brancaccio, A., Tabarelli, D., Zazio, A., Bertazzoli, G., Metsomaa, J., Ziemann, U.,  Bortoletto, M., Belardinelli, P.  (2024)
Towards the definition of a standard in TMS-EEG data preprocessing

Ramotowska, S., Haaf, J., Van Maanen, L. & Szymanik. J. (2024)
Most quantifiers have many meanings

Antal, A., Ganho-Ávila, A., Assecondi, S., Barbour, T., Bjekić, J., Blumberger, D. M., Bolognini, N., Brunelin, J., Chanes, L., Dale, M., Dubbioso, R., D’Urso, G., Filipcic, I., Filipović, S. R., Hirnstein, M., Konings, F., Langguth, B., Leocani, L., Memarian Sorkhabi, M., Baeken, C. (2024)
The consequences of the new European reclassification of non-invasive brain stimulation devices and the medical device regulations pose an existential threat to research and treatment: An invited opinion paper. Clinical Neurophysiology

Tagliabue, C.F., Fornari, C., Varesio, G., & Mazza, V. (2024)
Enhancing Multiple Object Analysis Skills Across Early and Late Adulthood Through Diverse Tasks. Journal of Cognitive Enhancement.

Tagliaferri, Marco; Amorosino, Gabriele; Voltolini, Linda; Giampiccolo, Davide; Avesani, Paolo; Cattaneo, Luigi (2024)
A revision of the dorsal origin of the frontal aslant tract (FAT) in the superior frontal gyrus: a DWI-tractographic study. Brain Structure and Function, v. in press

Fairhall, Scott L. (2024)
Sentence-level embeddings reveal dissociable word- and sentence-level cortical representation across coarse- and fine-grained levels of meaning. Brain and Language, 250, 105389