Professori Ordinari
- BOZZI Yuri | Neurodevelopmental Disorders Research Group - NDR
- JOVICICH Jorge | MRI Methods Group
- MINIUSSI Carlo | Cognition Neurostimulation & Connectivity - CoN&Co
- PAPAGNO Costanza | Neuropsychological deficits in brain-damaged patients Group
- PAVANI Francesco | Cognition Across the Senses - CATS
- PIAZZA Manuela | Perception to Concepts Group - Per2Con
- TENTORI Katya | Reasoning and Decision Group - RAD
- TURATTO Massimo | Attention, Learning and Motivation Group
- VALLORTIGARA Giorgio | Animal Brain and Cognition Group - ABC Group
- ZAMPINI Massimiliano | Multisensory Research Group
- QUATTROCCHI Carlo Cosimo
Professori associati
- BALDAUF Daniel | Attention Networks Group
- BELARDINELLI Paolo | Brain Plasticity Group
- BERNARDI Raffaella | Language and Vision Group - LaVi
- BOTTINI Roberto | Neurobiology of conceptual knowledge
- CATTANEO Luigi | Sensorimotors Processes in Action - SPA
- DODICH Alessandra | Cognition and Neurodegeneration Group
- FAIRHALL Scott | Fairlab Group
- FRASNELLI Elisa | Invertebrate Neuroscience Group - ING
- HAASE Albrecht | Neurophysics Group
- HASSON Uri | Information and Integration lab
- LAURIA Mario
- MAYER Uwe | Neurobiology of Comparative Cognition Group
- MAZZA Veronica | Attention, Perception and Aging Group
- PARISE Eugenio | Brain and Cognitive Development Group – BCD Group
- PIGHIN Stefania | Reasoning and Decision Group - RAD
- RICCI Leonardo | NSE lab - Nonlinear Systems and Electronics laboratory
- SOVRANO Valeria | FISH Group
- SZYMANIK Jakub | Meaning and Computation Lab
- TURELLA Luca | Motor Control Group
- ZAMPARELLI Roberto | Linguistics in Cognition Group - LiCo
- ASSECONDI Sara | Attention, Perception and Aging Group
- BENETTI Stefania | The Multisensory and Interactive Brain Group - MultIBrain
- BONFIGLIOLI Claudia | Neuroethics Research Group
- BRACCI Stefania | Object vision group
- FUMAGALLI Giorgio Giulio | DEmentia and COgnitive DEcline Research group - DECODER
- HERBELOT Aurelie | Computational Approaches to Language and Meaning (CALM)
- LORENZI Elena | Animal Brain and Cognition Group - ABC Group
- MESSINA Andrea
- MONACO Simona | Action and Cognition Group
- ROTA Paolo | DEep Neural ArtificiaL Intelligence group (DENALI)
- SCHINTU Selene | Plasticity Attention and Learning - PAL Group
- SGADO' Paola | Molecular and Cellular Cognition - mc² Group
- TESO Stefano | Human-Aware Machine Intelligence - HAMI
- WURM Moritz | Action Recognition and Concepts Group
Professori con doppia appartenenza e Ricercatori affiliati
- ADAMS Daniel
- BRAUN Christoph
- FARNÉ Alessandro
- GOODALE Melvyn Alan
- MICELI Gabriele - Professore Senior | Cognitive Neuroscience of Language Group
- MINATI Ludovico
- TETTAMANTI Marco | Brain and Language Group